Category Archives: General

General Postings

Tribute to Stephanie Hansen aged 39

We are shocked and deeply saddened to hear about the loss of our dear friend Stephanie Hansen on New Year’s Eve. Stephanie was a beautiful young lady and a remarkable environmental heroine. Her love for the natural world was unparalleled as was her dedication to cleaning and greening Cranford. She would trek every weekend from Hayes to Cranford to help with our local projects. We will miss her laughter, her boundless energy and her fearlessness in tackling all things harmful to the environment. RIP Stef.

Recycling Opportunities

There are some great opportunities for recycling some of your materials at Boots. Boots has a box where you can put surplus/unused cosmetic and body care products (similar to the Food Banks in many supermarkets).

If you have any of these goods which you are not using anymore, why not visit the store in your local area to get your unused items recycled.