As you may know CAG have had some difficulty in getting Highways England to clear the detritus that accumulates at the Parkway Interchange M4 jnc 3 slips. Volunteers have spent a lot of time litter picking the slips and have been marched off by men in hard hats. So am pleased that our MP Seema Malhotra has got them to do their job. It just needs to continue.
Category Archives: General
General Postings
Waye Avenue Open Space
Lovely people are ensuring the mini woodland planted at Waye Avenue Open Space thrives.
Western International Market
CAG have been working with TfL over the last few months on litter and waste management issues of the wooded areas along the Parkway/A312 and Hayes Road. I was pleased to see this morning TfL are addressing the issue by Western International Market. New fencing is being installed to prevent the area behind it being mis-used.